Dark Places - Gillian Flynn

Dark Places - Gillian Flynn

Having read the rest of Gillian Flynn's books, I must say this one is the one I liked the least, maybe because the author had me used to weird twists at certain points in her books but in this one everything was more or less predictable and not that interesting. I kept expecting something amazing to happen and it never did.


But that aside, you have to admire the talent this woman has to write utterly unlikeable characters that make you being torn between wanting to slap them and also wanting them to redeem themselves and to have something that help them turn their life around or something similar. I don't know if I'm explaining this right, but that's precisely how it made me feel. I kept thinking that I didn't know if I wanted Libby to change and have a better life, or just root for her to be killed already lol


Three stars for me, and while I normally recommend Flynn's books, I think you should read this one only if you're already familiar (and normally like) the author's style. If not, just stick with the other two :)