Ready Player One - Ernest Cline
4.5 stars! LOTS of deus ex-machina and quite a lot of situations a bit too perfect to be believed, but all in all, a GREAT adventure made even better by Wil Wheaton's voice.
I was worried some of the fun was going to elude me if I didn't recognize some of the 80's reference, but fortunately that wasn't the case. Wade is a very likeable character and so are his friends (although Art3mis did exasperate me sometimes), so it was very easy to connect with them and to want them all to win. I also liked that the protagonist was an 18-year-old that really behaved like an 18-yo, which apparently is not an easy thing to write because authors tend to either dumb kids down or make them too mature for their age.
I had a lot of fun with this book and I would love to see this on the big screen or even as a tv series.