Friending Meme
Ok, I'll bite. Here are my answers! Who else wants to join?
If you want to do the meme, just copy the whole thing, then delete my responses and add your own.
(all of these are optional! No need to disclose anything you're uncomfortable with.)
Name: Daniela (Call me Dany!)
Age: 29
Location: Chile
When did you learn to read? I think I was about 4. I was "reading" the newspaper next to my dad, and suddenly I read a word out loud. I was so happy, I still remember lots of details about that moment :)
Favorite book genres: Ever since I can remember I've been a fan of Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie, and every mystery/crime I can find. I also read some YA, Fantasy and Humor. I hardly ever read non-fiction, though.
Do you write as well? No. I'd love to, but I've never had the confidence to try it out.
Do you read fanfiction? Not lately, but I used to read a lot of fan fiction. There are some great things out there.
Other interests: Crocheting; listening to music; pretending I'm a Broadway artist when I'm alone; running; reading about books; adding books to my online cart only to delete them once I realize I have no money to spend at the moment.